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  1. John Cage Complete Works is a comprehensive online catalogue of the compositions, writings, and visual art of the American avant-garde composer, philosopher, and artist. Browse by category, year, or keyword to discover the diverse and influential output of John Cage, who revolutionized music and art in the 20th century.

  2. John Cage od dzieciństwa uczył się gry na fortepianie. Jego dalsza edukacja muzyczna obejmowała tradycyjne studia w konserwatorium Pomona College oraz własne poszukiwania twórcze w czasie licznych podróży. Cage odwiedzał kraje wschodnie: Filipiny, Koreę, Laos, a nawet wyspy Riukiu i wyspę Kingmanriff na Pacyfiku.

  3. 5 de sept. de 2012 · Music Is Everywhere: John Cage At 100 Cage's most lasting influence may be in his ideas — about the boundaries between noise and music and the artistic freedom that comes from breaking the rules.

  4. 21 de feb. de 2020 · Agosto 1966; John Cage è alla Fondation Maeght di Saint Paul de Vence con la Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Forse a instillare in John Cage il gusto di un’inesauribile curiosità per il nuovo aveva contribuito l’essere figlio di un inventore, che proprio nell’anno in cui John nacque, il 1912, aveva sperimentato un sottomarino di sua progettazione; non ebbe fortuna solo perché non ...

  5. The official site for information about the life and works of John Cage, administered by the John Cage Trust.

  6. John Milton Cage, Jr. (1912–1992) was an American composer, music theorist, writer, and artist. A pioneer of indeterminacy in music, electroacoustic music, and non-standard use of musical instruments, Cage was one of the leading figures of the post-war avant-garde. Cage is largely credited with the establishment of experimentalism as a style ...

  7. John Cage. Músico estadounidense que influyó de forma decisiva en la vanguardia de su tiempo, John Cage (Los Ángeles, 1912 – Nueva York, 1992) estudió con los compositores Henry Cowell y Adolph Weiss, así como con el austriaco Arnold Schönberg. Por influencia del zen, Cage utilizó a menudo en sus partituras los silencios como un ...

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