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  1. Elisabeth I. (Krönungsporträt und Unterschrift) Elisabeth I., englisch Elizabeth I, eigentlich Elizabeth Tudor, auch bekannt unter den Namen The Virgin Queen, The Maiden Queen („Die jungfräuliche Königin“), Gloriana oder Good Queen Bess (* 7. September 1533 im Palace of Placentia, Greenwich; † 24. März 1603 im Richmond Palace, Richmond upon Thames), war vom 17.

  2. 26 de may. de 2020 · Definición. Isabel I fue reina de Inglaterra de 1558 a 1603. Su reinado, de 44 años, fue tan prolongado y lleno de acontecimientos importantes que la segunda mitad del siglo XVI se conoce actualmente como época isabelina y es considerada una «Edad de Oro» para Inglaterra. Isabel sucedió en el trono a su media hermana mayor María I de ...

  3. Elizabeth I was a Tudor monarch who ruled England from 1558 - 1603. Despite her long reign, Elizabeth was never expected to become queen. She was last in line to the throne of all of Henry VIII ...

  4. 22 de dic. de 2021 · Elizabeth I was queen of England from 1558 to 1603, and Virginia was named in honor of her. Daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth Tudor became queen at the death of her married but childless half-sister Mary I. Elizabeth remained single, and her image as the “virgin queen” permeated the arts and politics of her reign, even as she used the possibility of ...

  5. On 24th March 1603 Elizabeth I died, having reigned for 44 years as a very popular queen. As she had no children, and therefore no direct heir to the throne, she was the last Tudor monarch. Following her death, Mary, Queen of Scots’ son – James VI of Scotland – was named King James I of England. The cause of her death was never determined.

  6. Elizabeth I - Reformation, Monarchy, Virgin Queen: At the death of Mary on November 17, 1558, Elizabeth came to the throne amid bells, bonfires, patriotic demonstrations, and other signs of public jubilation. Her entry into London and the great coronation procession that followed were masterpieces of political courtship. “If ever any person,” wrote one enthusiastic observer, “had either ...

  7. 6 de nov. de 2018 · Retrato al óleo de Isabel I, Reina de Inglaterra e Irlanda. La obra titulada "The Rainbow Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I". La obra, pintada alrededor de los años 1600 y 1602, se atribuye al pintor Marcus Gheeraerts, un artista flamenco instalado en la corte de los Tudor.