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  1. Reign of Terror, period of the French Revolution from September 5, 1793, to July 27, 1794, during which the Revolutionary government decided to take harsh measures against those suspected of being enemies of the Revolution (nobles, priests, and hoarders). In Paris a wave of executions followed.

  2. Hitler's Reign of Terror; I. Inside Nazi Germany; N. Nuremberg Trials (film) O. The Occult History of the Third Reich; R. The Rape of Europa (book) The Restless Conscience: Resistance to Hitler Within Germany 1933–1945; Ruins of the Reich; T. Triumph Over Violence; Y.

  3. In this essay, you will be informed about the main leader of the Nazis, why saying that Hitler only captured Jews is historically inaccurate, concentration camp treatment, and five atrocious experiments done by the Nazi soldiers to innocent prisoners. Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born in Austria on April 20, 1889.

  4. A documentary meant to show Americans what had been going on in Germany since Hitler's rise, centered on a fact finding trip by Cornelius Vanderbilt, with newsreel footage of book burnings and such. Michael Mindlin. Director.

  5. Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative-Commons Namensnennung – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen“ verfügbar; Informationen zu den Urhebern und zum Lizenzstatus eingebundener Mediendateien (etwa Bilder oder Videos) können im Regelfall durch Anklicken dieser abgerufen werden. Möglicherweise unterliegen die Inhalte jeweils zusätzlichen Bedingungen.

  6. Not only was Himmler put in charge of the resettlement of the occupied territories in the east, but he also—in his oversight of the Waffen (armed) SS divisions, some 500,000 strong by 1944—created a rival army to the Wehrmacht. Third Reich - Nazi Germany, Holocaust, WW2: At the height of his success, Hitler was the master of the greater ...

  7. Adolf Hitler. The most notorious villain of the 20th century and architect of history's darkest period. From his humble upbringing in Austria to leadi…