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  1. Paterns in a Chromatic Field for cello and piano, dated May 13, 1981, is one of these massive later works, clocking in at over an hour in length and without any sectional breaks. Additionally, its score is fully-notated. Regarding the immensity of his later works, Feldman has commented, “As soon as you leave the 20-25 minute piece behind, in ...

  2. MORTON FELDMAN (1926-1987) – “PATTERNS IN A CHROMATIC FIELD” (1981) KONCERT – SPEKTAKL (premiera polska) 11.05.2017 Lublin, Centrum Spotkania Kultur, Festiwal Kody . ... Die „Patterns In A Chromatic Field“ (entstanden 1981) ist ziemlich bezeichnend für den Kompositionsstil von Feldman.

  3. Morton Feldmans Patterns in a Chromatic Field ist eine bedeutende Komposition nicht nur der amerikanischen Moderne, sondern des 20. Jahrhunderts an sich. Der Komponist spielt mit dem musikalischen Gedächtnis seiner Zuhörer und erzeugt so zeitlose Sphären: In minimal variierenden Mustern erlebt der Hörer ein tranceartiges Avantgarde-Erlebnis, in dem sich Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft ...

  4. Morton Feldman's Patterns in a Chromatic Field is a significant composition not only of American modernism, but of the 20th century itself. The composer plays with the musical memory of his listeners and thus creates timeless spheres: In minimally varying patterns, the listener experiences a trance-like avant-garde experience in which past, present and future cancel each other out.

  5. Filename D:\audio_tmp\Morton Feldman - Pattern in a Chromatic Field (2008)\Arne Deforce, Yutaka Oya - Morton Feldman - Pattern in a Chromatic Field CD2.wav Peak level 88.1 % Range quality 100.0 % Copy CRC C28164BD Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database

  6. The new record ‘Patterns in a Chromatic Field', dedicated to the cello work of Morton Feldman, allow us to discover one of the most original and enigmatic musics of the repertoire. Composed the same year as the well-known ‘Triadic memories' (1981) and 10 years after the famous ‘Rothko Chapel' (1971), ‘Patterns in a chromatic field' is one of the masterpieces of the cello and piano ...