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  1. CSS !important 规则 什么是 !important CSS 中的 !important 规则用于增加样式的权重。 !important 与优先级无关,但它与最终的结果直接相关,使用一个 !important 规则时,此声明将覆盖任何其他声明。 实例 [mycode3 type='css'] #myid { background-color: blue; } .myclass { backg..

  2. 9 de may. de 2024 · Technical Specificity: border: none is the more specific way according to the CSS specification. It directly sets the border-style property to none, indicating the absence of any border style (solid, dashed, dotted, etc.). border: 0 is a shorthand that sets all individual border properties ( border-width, border-style, and border-color) to 0.

  3. 26 de abr. de 2018 · *{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } Utilizado en teoría para que todos los elementos no tengan padding ni margin. ¿Realmente esto funciona? Porque he tenido muchas veces que modificar algún elemento. No se si es porque utilizo librerías como Bootstrap, que hace que los elementos tengan una serie de propiedades.

  4. 1.Via Inline Style set border:0 ... <style> .no_border_iframe{ border: 0; /* or border:none; */ } </style> Share. Improve this answer. ... I had an issue with bottom white border and i could not fix it with border, margin & padding rules ... So add display:block; because iframe is an inline element.

  5. 22 de nov. de 2017 · When you collapse the borders, it joins adjacent borders together. The border around the outside edge of the table is adjacent to the outside borders of the outside cells. If those borders are joined together then you can't put padding between them. There is no "between". Is there a CSS workaround for that situation? Not, in general, a plain one.

  6. 30. You need to set the actual page to margin:0 and padding: 0 to the actual html, not just the body. use this in your css stylesheet. *, html {. margin:0; padding:0; } that will set the whole page to 0, for a fresh clean start with no margin or paddings. answered May 28, 2011 at 4:18.

  7. Adding styles like border:none; did not remove the border and neither did margin:0; or padding:0; or any combination of the three. However, adding position:absolute;top:0;left:0; fixed the problem. The original post above has position:absolute; but does not have top:0;left:0; and this was adding a default border on my page.