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  1. Willem Blackwood is a member of House Blackwood during the reign of Viserys I. Willem is a member of House Blackwood of Raventree Hall. His exact relationship to the main branch is unknown; only that he is a great-great-grandson of Lord Lucas Blackwood. [1] When Rhaenyra Targaryen's tour of the...

  2. Willem Blackwood es un miembro de la Casa Blackwood. Willem es descendiente de Lord Lucas Blackwood, Señor de Árbol de los Cuervos durante la Guerra de la Conquista. Es uno de los pretendientes de la princesa Rhaenyra que están presentes en la audiencia celebrada en Bastión de Tormentas.

  3. House Blackwood aided King Aegon I Targaryen during the Conquest and rebelled against Harwyn's grandson, Harren the Black of Harrenhal, King of the Isles and the Rivers. The Blackwoods and Brackens had fought a private war a decade before the rebellion, however, and Harren had dealt with them harshly.

  4. Willem Blackwood is a badass, but there’s a lot more to him and his heroism than meets the eyes in House of the Dragon. This little guy showed up to try and ...

  5. In 116 AC, Willem Blackwood travels to Storm's End to contend for Rhaenyra Targaryen's hand in marriage. When he kills Jerrel Bracken in a duel, Rhaenyra abruptly leaves and ends her tour. [3]

  6. 1 de nov. de 2022 · ¿Qué pasa con el pequeño Willem Blackwood? Willem Blackwood en 'La casa del dragón'. HBO. Estaría bien volver a ver este célebre personaje en un futuro. En el cuarto episodio, Willem Blackwood ofrece su mano a —la entonces joven— Rhaenyra.

  7. Willem Blackwood es un personaje completamente nuevo en House of the Dragon, aunque parece que su personaje toma mucho de Samwell Blackwood. Si ese fuera el caso, Willem Blackwood será un gran partidario de Rhaenyra Targaryen durante la Danza de los Dragones.