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  1. El Espíritu Santo. Por el élder Robert D. Hales. Del Cuórum de los Doce Apóstoles. Expreso mi amor y agradecimiento al Padre Celestial por el don del Espíritu Santo, por medio del cual revela Su voluntad y nos sostiene. Mis amados hermanos y hermanas, hoy les hablo como un siervo del Señor y también como un bisabuelo.

  2. The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He is a personage of spirit, without a body of flesh and bones. He is often referred to as the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, or the Comforter.

  3. The Holy Spirit gives us comfort, helps us recognize truth, testifies of Jesus Christ, and so much more. Read through these verses from the Book of Mormon that teach important truths about the Holy Ghost.

  4. 14 de ago. de 2019 · The Holy Ghost is a male spirit personage, a spirit son of God the Father. In a sermon delivered in 1857, President Heber C. Kimball stated: “The Holy Ghost is a man; he is one of the sons of our Father and our God; and he is that man that stood next to Jesus Christ, just as I stand by Brother Brigham.” 2.

  5. Holy Ghost. LDS Quotes on the Holy Ghost. “The Holy Ghost causes our feelings to be more tender. We feel more charitable and compassionate with each other. We are more calm in our relationships. We have a greater capacity to love each other. People want to be around us because our very countenances radiate the influence of the Spirit.

  6. vi Hospeda al Espíritu Santo al Espíritu Santo como Persona y cómo desarrollar una relación más profunda con Él. Conocer al Espíritu Santo como tu amigo es el tesoro

  7. 8 de nov. de 2013 · The study of the Holy Spirit raises certain basic questions. Who is the Holy Spirit? What is the biblical evidence for the personhood of the Spirit? What did the Holy Spirit do in regard to creation and revelation? What is the Holy Spirit’s role in a person’s conversion and sanctification? What about spiritual gifts?