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  1. A classic short story by Washington Irving about a greedy miser who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for buried treasure. Learn about the themes, characters, symbols, and literary devices of this tale of horror and morality.

  2. Summary. The story first recounts the legend of the pirate William Kidd, who is rumored to have buried a large treasure in a forest in colonial Massachusetts. Kidd made a deal with the devil to protect his money. The devil's conditions are unknown.

  3. Tom Walker no le iba a la zaga y se pasaba el día intentando dar con los sitios en donde creía que su mujer ocultaba las cosas; así estaban a diario, enfrentados por innumerables querellas a propósito de los pobres bienes que hubieran debido compartir.

  4. Read the full text of this classic tale of the devil and a miserly farmer in colonial Massachusetts. Learn how Tom Walker made a deal with the devil and buried a treasure in a swamp.

  5. 9 de ene. de 2024 · En resumen, la historia de Irving ‘El diablo y Tom Walker’ es una historia moral que advierte a sus lectores contra la codicia y la corrupción. Irving ilustra esta moraleja mediante el uso de una alegoría, donde los personajes, los objetos y la trama representan más que simples elementos de la historia.

  6. A short story by Washington Irving about a greedy man who sells his soul to the devil for pirate treasure. Read the full plot summary, themes, quotes, characters, and literary devices of this classic tale.

  7. A short story by Washington Irving about a miserly man who makes a deal with the devil and becomes a usurer. The devil takes him away on a black horse when he tries to repent and join the church.