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  1. In the south-east corner of the Pacific Ocean lays an incredible opportunity to shape the pathway for a blue sustainable development. Here, fertile waters extend from submarine kelp forests in the south of Peru, to the Galápagos Islands in Ecuador, where extremely biodiverse waters attract sharks, turtles and many other incredible creatures.

  2. 16 de jun. de 2021 · Deep water sharks, Humboldt penguins, fur seals and bright schools of fish glide above ancient cold water corals whilst whales too arrive from around the world as they pass through Peruvian waters on their annual migrations.

  3. 8 de may. de 2017 · Scientists call it the Tropical Pacific Sea of Peru, a magical place where whales concentrate on feeding and giving birth, where manta rays and whale shark migrate, and where dolphins, sea lions, sea turtles and penguins coexist.

  4. Peru Geography – Pacific Ocean and El Niño effect. The cold water of the Pacific Ocean brought by the Humboldt current, makes its water rich in plankton which supports a rich variety of fish and marine animals as well as birds who feed from the fish.

  5. Marine. An integrated effort for the peruvian ocean. Referred to by WWF as priority conservation areas, the marine ecosystems in Peru are highly productive, representing up to 10% of the world’s catch and are habitats for biological diversity of global importance.

  6. 6 de dic. de 2022 · A Peruvian city has become renowned for its novel nature-based solution (NbS) to the problem of water scarcity. Moyobamba is charging local water tariffs and channelling the funds into conservation initiatives to save its local water sources.

  7. The Peruvian Pacific is among the richest marine and coastal ecosystems of the world and the sea off the coast is highly productive in fishery resources. The Tropical Pacific Sea of Peru is regarded as a global Hope Spot, a unique area that provides refuge to or is used as breeding and nursing grounds by many threatened or even seriously ...