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  1. 1. “Little things seem like nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air.” — Georges Bernanos. 2. “If I love you, I show you I love you every day. Little things, big things.” — Dwayne Johnson. 3. “The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.” — Jon Kabat-Zinn

  2. 2 de sept. de 2019 · Some things in life fill us with joy even though they are such small, simple things. They provide moments of pure magic that bring us firmly back into the present moment and make us grateful for everything we have in life. Here are 50 such little pleasures that we should all seek to enjoy more often. 1.

  3. 18 de mar. de 2023 · The little things in life are the moments that often go unnoticed, but they are the ones that truly matter. They are the moments that bring us joy, make us laugh, and fill us with a sense...

  4. 12 de may. de 2015 · Check out 40 little things in daily life that bring us true happiness. 1. Finding money in your pocket that you didn’t know you had. 2. Being asked by someone who cares how you are doing. 3. Climbing into bed when you have fresh sheets. 4. Taking an extra-long bath or shower when you have some free time. 5. Smiling at a child you see in public. 6.

  5. 1 de sept. de 2023 · 10 Ways of Enjoying the Little Things in Life . Are you wondering, “What are some little things in life that I should focus on?” Here are some simple ideas to help you get started. 1. Appreciate the little things at home. Take a look around your home with fresh eyes. Notice the sentimental objects and think about the meaning behind them.

  6. 40 Little Things That Make a Big Difference in Your Day. By Lori Deschene. “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” ~Robert Brault. I believe life is in the details. Ongoing small gestures can mean so much more than one grand display of love.

  7. 12 de oct. de 2023 · 65 Enjoy the Little Things Quotes to Appreciate Life. “The small things of life were often so much bigger than the great things . . . the trivial pleasure like cooking, one's home, little poems especially sad ones, solitary walks, funny things seen and overheard.” – Barbara Pym.