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  1. Linking words: (and, but, or) Do you know how to use “and”? We use and to connect two ideas that express something similar. For example: I like those jeans. I like that jacket. Then, we say: I like those jeans and that jacket. I hate baseball caps. I hate sweaters. Then, we say: I hate baseball caps and sweaters. My sister wants a new dress.

  2. We use words called conjunctions, like and, or, but, because and although, to join two parts of sentences. Conjunctions can be used to give more information, give alternatives, give reasons, give results or give unexpected information.

  3. 23 de mar. de 2022 · En primer lugar, solo se pueden usar las conjunciones en inglés: and / but / or / so / because cuando existe una relación entre dos frases. Como veremos, esta relación casi siempre es posible si no cambiamos de tema. Es más; a veces, también podemos emplear alguna para pasar de un tema a otro.

  4. Conjunctions are linking words like and, or, but, then and because. The two main types of conjunctions are coordinating (words such as and and but) and subordinating. Subordinating conjunctions (e.g. because, if, when, in order to) link a subordinate clause to a main clause.

  5. Conjunctions are linking words like and, or, but, then and because. The two main types of conjunctions are coordinating (words such as and and but ) and subordinating. Subordinating conjunctions (e.g. because , if , when , in order to ) link a subordinate clause to a main clause.

  6. Las conjunciones, llamadas en inglés conjunctions, connecting words o linking words, son palabras breves ( and, or, so, when, etc.) que permiten unir palabras, partes de oraciones u oraciones entre sí estableciendo una relación lógica entre los elementos conectados.

  7. Use and, but, or to connect similar words or phrases. The items that we connect with and, but, or should be the same grammar type. Check these common mistakes: I like dancing and sing. I like dancing and singing. (-ing verb and -ing verb) Would you like to go to the beach or having an ice cream in the park?