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  1. El bumerán o búmeran (del inglés boomerang) 1 es una herramienta de caza y recreación que, debido a su perfil aerodinámico y especial forma de lanzamiento, se caracteriza porque tras ser lanzado regresa a su punto de origen si no impacta en el objetivo. Perteneciente a la clase de los bastones arrojadizos se utiliza para aturdir y, en ...

  2. › wiki › BOOMERangBOOMERang - Wikipedia

    BOOMERang ( Russian: БУМЕРанг) is a 2021 Russian crime comedy film directed by Pyotr Buslov. [1] [2] It is scheduled to be theatrically released on September 23, 2021.

  3. El boomerang es un objeto de origen australiano, utilizado por los aborígenes para la caza y la guerra. Aunque popularmente se asocia al boomerang con un objeto que vuelve a su lanzador, en realidad existen diferentes tipos de boomerangs, algunos de los cuales no vuelven.

  4. All Boomerangs Stores are now closed. It was our honor to have been part of our neighborhoods and to know you for the last 30 years! For many years, Boomerangs was so much more than a thrift store – it was a place of community and belonging, a place where people found love and the most incredible weird stuff you could imagine.

  5. In this article, we'll break down the physical principles that make boomerangs work, see what happens as a boomerang flies through the air and find out the proper way to throw a boomerang so that it comes back to you.

  6. Find out about Boomerangs around the world. Think of Australia and a boomerang may well come to mind as one of the country's most unique and distinctive emblems. The fact is that boomerangs were used for many thousands of years in other parts of the world as well.

  7. El boomerang es una arma arrojadiza, de madera de acacia o de eucalipto, que usaban los aborígenes australianos con el objetivo de combatir y de cazar. También se lo emplea en torneos deportivos.

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