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  1. When & While: The Short Answer. In some sentences, you can use either without a great change in meaning. Generally, if you want to focus on an action that has a duration being in progress, use a while + a progressive tense. While I was washing the dishes, my wife came home.* (Washing the dishes has a duration, e.g. 4 minutes.)

  2. As, when and while are conjunctions. In some uses as, when and while can mean the same, but they can also have slightly different meanings. We use them to introduce subordinate clauses. We can use as, when and while to mean ‘during the time that’, to connect two events happening at the same time:

  3. 22 de nov. de 2019 · Como norma general utilizamos while con aquella acción que se encuentra en progreso y utilizamos when con aquellas acciones que se cruzan o que interrumpen a la acción que estaba en progreso. Sin embargo, esto no es exactamente así. En realidad no depende de when o de while el tiempo verbal que utilicemos, sino de lo que estamos expresando.

  4. When y while son dos conjunciones muy útiles en inglés que sirven para introducir oraciones subordinadas relacionadas con el momento en el que sucede una acción. Ambas nos permiten indicar que una acción ocurre en el mismo momento que otra, y a veces son intercambiables, pero también tienen varias diferencias de uso que conviene conocer.

  5. In this video, learn how to use "when" and "while" correctly and improve your advanced English grammar. "When" and "While" are two must know words to have in your vocabulary. When is...

  6. 14 de may. de 2021 · So as a general rule, you should use “while” in a clause with a continuous action, using a verb in a continuous tense. Use “when” in a clause with a single action, using a simple past or ...

  7. The main difference between these two words is that when usually means at or immediately after some specific point in time, whereas while always means during some [usually, extended] period of time. Thus, for example, if we take an activity often considered so quick it happens at a " point in time"...