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  1. 20 de nov. de 2018 · Here are five things I’m pretty sure Jesus would do in today’s world. 1. Jesus would side with the poor, not with a party. It has been claimed that partisan politics is an...

  2. The first characteristic of a follower of Jesus is that we must recognize our inability to save ourselves, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3 ESV). We must be aware of our spiritual needs, not just our physical needs.

  3. 22 de jun. de 2023 · In short, Jesus refused to do anything that would dishonor God. So, all of His actions were aimed at bringing glory to His Father. Several accounts in the Gospels show His unwillingness to tolerate anything that stood against God.

  4. What is Jesus doing now? The answer should thrill us, because right now — at this very moment — He is praying for us. He knows all about our needs and heartaches; He also knows our temptations and doubts — and He is praying for us. No matter what we face, He continues to pray for us.

  5. 29 de nov. de 2018 · What would happen if every Christian began to walk as Jesus walked, talk as Jesus talked, and love as Jesus loved? The world would take notice. When God’s people begin to live out what they say they believe, it will change lives.

  6. What would Jesus do? A W.W.J.D. bracelet. The phrase " What would Jesus do? ", often abbreviated to WWJD, became particularly popular in the United States in the early 1900s, following the 1896 novel In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? by Charles Sheldon [1].

  7. Él enseñaría que Dios está con nosotros. Lee un mensaje del élder Dieter F. Uchtdorf acerca de lo que Jesús haría si estuviera hoy aquí.