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  1. Sarah Jane Smith (occasionally rendered as Sarah-Jane), also known as Sarah Jane Morley in one account, was a companion of the Third and Fourth Doctors. She held the honour of being one of the few people the Doctor considered one of his best friends.

  2. Sarah Jane Smith is a fictional character played by Elisabeth Sladen in the long-running BBC Television science fiction series Doctor Who and two of its spin-offs.

  3. Sarah Jane Smith es un personaje de ficción interpretado por Elisabeth Sladen en la longeva serie de ciencia ficción británica de la BBC Doctor Who, que también apareció en dos spin-offs de la misma.

  4. Sarah Jane Smith, en ocasiones con el nombre escrito Sarah-Jane Smith, es una periodista de investigación que viajó con el Doctor en sus encarnaciones tercera y cuarta. Volvió a reunirse con él en su décima encarnación y tuvo aventuras tanto con esta encarnación como con la undécima.

  5. Sarah Jane Smith (occasionally rendered as Sarah-Jane), also known as Sarah Jane Morley in one account, was a companion of the Third and Fourth Doctors. She held the honour of being one of the few people the Doctor considered one of his best friends .

  6. She became best known as Sarah Jane Smith in the British television series Doctor Who, appearing as a regular cast member from 1973 to 1976, alongside both Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, and reprising the role many times in subsequent decades, both on Doctor Who and its spin-offs, K-9 and Company (1981) and The Sarah Jane Adventures ...

  7. While investigating the disappearance of scientists from a UNIT facility, feisty journalist Sarah Jane Smith stowed away aboard the Third Doctor’s TARDIS, and was taken to the Middle Ages.