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  1. Sapienza's Bachelor's degree programmes and Master's degree programmes have been published in the Catalogue. For each programme, you can find a page divided into different sections. Click on Apply for calls and deadlines. Click on Study Plan for details on the course and subject lists for freshers.

    • It

      L'offerta formativa dei corsi di laurea e laurea magistrale...

  2. Our course catalogue for the accademic year 2023/2024 is currently being updated. Search by keyword: e.g.: Programme name, programme code. Search phrases: e.g.: "Control Engineering". Find your teacher.

  3. Courses. Services for New Students. Course Catalogue 2024-2025. Orientation. Further Required Courses (OFAs) Tuition Fees and Benefits. School for Advanced Studies. Initial and in-service teacher training. Admission tests for restricted-access degree programmes in Medicina e chirurgia and Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria 2024-2025.

  4. Courses and Programmes 2024-2025. Engineering: Restricted-access degree programmes 2024-2025. Admission tests for restricted-access degree programmes in Medicina e chirurgia and Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria 2024-2025. CIVIS call for lecturers and researchers to propose new Blended Intensive Programmes.

  5. Infermieristica (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Infermiere) - Corso di laurea X - Roma Azienda policlinico Umberto I - in collaborazione con l'Università telematica Unitelma Sapienza, università telematica

  6. Course Catalogue. The Catalogue includes, for each course, calls, lists, test venues, the list of subjects, lesson timetables (as to the latter, from September on). The Bachelor’s and the Master’s Degree Programmes (altogether, the study programmes) have different access procedures.

  7. Faculty: Giurisprudenza. Department: Studi Giuridici ed Economici. Duration: 2 years. Degree Code: LM-90. Degree: Masters. Admission Procedure: Requirements and personal knowledge assessment. View more.