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  1. Dursley was the surname of a Muggle family, the only known living close relatives of Harry Potter. Petunia Dursley (née Evans) was the older sister of Harry's mother, Lily Potter (née Evans), but took the surname Dursley when she married Vernon Dursley.

  2. Los Dursley son la familia por parte materna de Harry Potter. Estaban relacionados con la familia muggle Evans y la mágica Potter. Vivían en el número 4 de Privet Drive, en Little Whinging, Surrey hasta 1998.

  3. 16 de ago. de 2020 · The Dursley family is a Muggle family with which Harry Potter lives after being orphaned in 1981. Mrs. Dursley is Harry’s maternal aunt. The family consists of Vernon Dursley, his wife Petunia, their son Dudley, and Vernons sister, Marge.

  4. The Dursley family is a Muggle family and the only known living close relatives of Harry Potter. Petunia Dursley (née Evans) was the older sister of Harry's mother, Lily Potter (née Evans), but took the surname Dursley when she married Vernon Dursley.

  5. The Dursley family is a Muggle family, and the only known living close relatives of Harry Potter. Petunia Dursley (née Evans) was the older sister of Harry's mother, Lily Potter (née Evans), but took the surname Dursley when she married Vernon Dursley. They had a son named Dudley.

  6. Petunia Dursley (née Evans) (pre 1960 – pre 2020)[1] was an English Muggle woman, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evans, and the older sister of the Muggle-born witch Lily Potter. During her childhood, she became resentful of her sister for being a witch, broke off contact with her sister...

  7. Los Dursley es una familia ficticia de la saga de Harry Potter. Es una familia muggle y es la familia por parte de su madre, la familia de Los Evans y por parte de su padre, la familia mágica de Los Potter. Cuenta con los siguientes miembros: Dudley Dursley, Petunia Dursley, Vernon Dursley y Marjorie Dursley.