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  1. The Second Coming, also called Orange [3], or The Chosen One's Return, is the main protagonist of the Animator vs. Animation franchise, along with the Fighting Stick Figures. He is an orange artificial stick figure who was created by Alan Becker in late 2014, three years after The Chosen One and...

  2. Animator V.S Animation shorts 4 is arguably one of the greatest videos made by Alan, but I have so many questions. 1: Is this the end of the AVA series?

  3. Let's take it in order! I think it's a Sacrifice because Alan doesn't like killing his characters very much. He was literally able to revive TCO and TDL, which had been dead for 5 years. The only confirmed death was only 1, and that's Purple's mother. As for Gold, then about it in AvM theories!

  4. The Second Coming is one of the stick figures and has appeared in many animations. He first appeared in Animator vs. Animation IV, when Noogai3/Alan Becker was drawing a cartoon. He went to go watch Stick Figures fight and played around on Alan's computer, which caused Alan to delete the 4...

  5. 1 de sept. de 2020 · The Second Coming se escapa al teléfono de Alan a través de Apple Music, donde se meten con las aplicaciones del teléfono mientras intentan huir de Alan. Finalmente se sumergen en Dropbox para regresar a la PC, y continúan luchando en Flash CS6 usando las diversas herramientas de Flash.

  6. This page tells the current history of The Second Coming from the Animator vs. Animation Franchise. The Second Coming was created by noogai on October 2nd, 2014, exactly three years following the destruction of his old computer. After leaving his room to do get the laundry, the orange stick...

  7. Es una de las figuras de palo creadas por Alan Becker y también es uno de los muñecos de palo que es amigo de Alan. The Second Coming parece ser una figura de palo naranja que se defiende cuando hay peligro.