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  1. Appearances - How to describe someone in English. Height | Build | Hair | Eyes | Type of hair | Complexion | Other features.

  2. Height and Build. When someone is 1 tall, they are higher in height than most people. If a person is 2 short, they are smaller in height compared to others. A person who is 3 medium height or build is not very tall or very short. 4 Slim refers to a person who is thin in a healthy and attractive way. If someone is 5 thin, they do not have much ...

  3. 28 de jun. de 2022 · Let’s start with some basic adjectives that you can use to describe people’s physical characteristics: alto/alta tall; bajo/baja short; joven young; viejo/vieja old; gordo/gorda fat; delgado/delgada thin; guapo/guapa, bonito/bonita beautiful; feo/fea ugly. Let’s see some examples: La mujer es alta/delgada. The woman is tall/ thin.

  4. Below are two tables which report the average adult human height by country or geographical region. With regard to the first table, original studies and sources should be consulted for details on methodology and the exact populations measured, surveyed, or considered.

  5. We can either say a person is tall, medium-height or short. There are exceptions when someone is very tall so we would say exactly that: very tall. The same if someone is very short — although we have to be careful of saying that to someone’s face.

  6. A1 listening. Describing people. Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. Instructions. Preparation. Transcript. Check your understanding: multiple choice. Check your understanding: gap fill typing. Worksheets and downloads. Describing people - exercises 698.76 KB.

  7. Globally, for people born in 1996, women’s mean height is about four and a half inches, or 12 centimeters (cm), shorter than men’s. The scatter plot illustrates the difference between the average heights of men and women around the world.