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  1. Little America was a series of Antarctic exploration bases from 1929 to 1958, located on the Ross Ice Shelf, south of the Bay of Whales . The coordinates are approximate. Little America I. The first base in the series was established in January 1929 by Richard Byrd, [2] and was abandoned in 1930. [3] .

  2. 3 de oct. de 2023 · The base was situated near the Bay of Whales, a natural ice harbor along the ice shelf first explored by Sir James Ross in 1842 and later used as a starting-off point by Roald Amundsen and companions to become the first to reach the South Pole.

  3. Little America, principal American base in Antarctica, lying on the northeastern edge of Ross Ice Shelf near Kainan Bay. First set up in 1928 as the headquarters for the polar explorations of Richard E. Byrd, it was reused and enlarged by Byrd on his return expedition in 1933–35.

  4. An aerial view of Little America IV, established at the Bay of Whales, during Operation Highjump, a U.S. Navy operation thatcommenced August 1946 and ended in late February 1947.

  5. Little America, base for Antarctic exploring expeditions, Antarctica, on the Ross Ice Shelf, S of the Bay of Whales. Richard E. Byrd , a U.S. explorer, established and named Little America in 1929 and built bases on the same site in 1933–35, 1939–41, and 1946–48 for subsequent expeditions.

  6. Byrd established a base camp east of the Bay of Whales which he named Little America (a few miles from the site of Amundsen's old winter quarters). In November 1929, Byrd and three companions took off in a three-engine, 975-horsepower Ford which could carry a six-ton load at 125 mph.

  7. The natural bay, created by uneven advancement of the ice shelf, was the continent’s most southerly open harbour in summer months and the site of several important bases, including those of the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen (1911) and the American explorer Richard E. Byrd (Little America I, 1928; II, 1933–34; III, 1940; IV, 1947; V, 1956).