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  1. Hobbies are among the most agile and acrobatic birds of prey. They are capable of catching fast-flying birds such as swallows and swifts in mid-air. Another important food source is dragonflies, which are also caught, and sometimes eaten, in flight.

  2. Eurasian hobbies are fast and powerful in flight and attack their prey by surprise. Large insects they transfer from talons to beaks and eat while soaring slowly in circles. Their speed and aerobatic skills enable hobbies to take swallows and even swifts on the wing.

  3. Hobby Falcons are about the size of a Kestrel with pointed wings, looking a bit like a giant swift. They are known for their dashing flight and will chase large insects and small birds like swallows and martins. Prey is often caught in its talons and transferred to its beak in flight.

  4. What do hobbies eat? Hobbies prey on small birds including skylarks, starlings, sparrows, and other small songbirds. They are able to catch swallows, swifts, and martins on the wing.

  5. 21 de oct. de 2021 · Swallows are often seen as nature’s natural cleanser of unwanted insects and eat on average 60 insects an hour. But swallows do also eat insects which are welcome visitors to gardens like bees and butterflies.

  6. Barn swallows are carnivores (insectivores). They feed mainly on large flies but also eat bugs, bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, and flying ants.

  7. 20 de nov. de 2023 · Swallows primarily eat insects and flying insects, such as bees, flies, mosquitoes, dragonflies, and moths. Swallows are known for their aerial hunting ability and agile flight, allowing them to catch insects while in mid-air.