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  1. H.W.Kessel - Equipar laboratorios es nuestra especialidad. ANALIZADORES RAMAN PORTÁTILES, DE LABORATORIO Y ANALIZADORES (SERS) Para verificación e identificación de materiales. Los sistemas Raman portátiles son pequeños, livianos, fáciles de usar y requieren poca o ninguna capacitación.

  2. Av. Guardia Civil 1321, Oficina 2003 – Surquillo – Lima 15036 – Perú - H.W.KESSEL S.A.C. - RUC 20100329205

  3. Kessel era un planeta dentro del Torbellino Akkadés que albergaba minas de especias. Además, exportaba coaxium y piedras nativas. Mientras que el hemisferio norte de Kessel se dedicaba a la minería, el hemisferio sur del planeta albergaba exuberantes santuarios. Durante la Era Imperial, el Imperio Galáctico y el Sindicato Pyke dirigieron varias operaciones mineras que empleaban mano de ...

  4. We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel or smashed into who knows what!C-3PO Kessel was a planet within the Akkadese Maelstrom that hosted spice mines. The planet also exported coaxium and Kesselstone. While Kessel's northern hemisphere was devoted to mining, the planet's southern hemisphere was home to lush sanctuaries. During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire and Pyke Syndicate ran ...

  5. About. WHAT I DO: I help growth-minded leaders gain clarity so they can have a larger impact on the people they serve. WHO I WORK WITH: Throughout my career, I've partnered with hundreds of...

  6. Kassel Equity Group. Kassel is a privately held investment firm located in Columbus, Ohio. Our team focuses on acquiring strategically viable companies with upside cash flow potential as well as value-add real estate. Learn more.

  7. In the Paralympic world, Kessel has been the director of development and board member for World ParaVolley since 2012. He served as the producer for the 1996 Olympic Games indoor volleyball competition, as well as the 1996 Paralympic Games for sitting and standing volleyball.

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