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  1. 17 de dic. de 2021 · Here are some examples of imperative sentences: Remember to pick up the dry cleaning today. Tell me if I should go to Hawaii or Alaska for my summer vacation. Leave the book under my doormat. Imperative sentences are just one kind of sentence. Others include: Declarative sentences; Exclamatory sentences; Interrogative sentences

  2. Las oraciones imperativas expresan mandato o solicitud. El sujeto You (Tú o ustedes) se entiende pero no se escribe. Ejemplos: Wait outside. (Espera afuera) Come back later. (Regresa más tarde) Sit there. (Siéntate allí) Leave the bags there. (Deja las bolsas allí) Let me talk with her. (Déjame hablar con ella) Tell him about it.

  3. 21 de mar. de 2018 · El modo imperativo en inglés se utiliza, al igual que en español, para dar órdenes, comandos e instrucciones. Por ejemplo: Speak up. / Habla más fuerte. ¿Cómo se conjuga el imperativo? Se conjuga con el infinitivo del verbo sin to (keep, try, be). Por ejemplo: Call me soon. / Llámame pronto.

  4. Imperative verbs are words used to create an imperative sentence that gives a command to the person being addressed. The imperative verb is the action that the speaker or writer wants someone to do. An example: “Flip the burger.”. Flip is the imperative verb.

  5. 31 de oct. de 2016 · Ejemplos con el imperativo en inglés. Video explicativo. Estructura del imperativo en afirmativo y negativo. La estructura del imperativo positivo en inglés es verbo + (complemento). A continuación, te presentamos algunos ejemplos: Tell me a good joke. / Cuéntame un buen chiste. Write a letter to your aunt Laura. / Escribe una carta a tu tía Laura.

  6. The imperative mood expresses an order or command. We use it to address one or more people directly. It is formed with the base form of a verb. Learn about the imperative mood in English grammar with Lingolia’s online grammar rules and explanations and free exercises with instant feedback.

  7. Imperative sentences give commands. What is the form of an imperative sentence? The typical form (structure) of an English imperative sentence uses the base verb with no subject. In fact, many imperative sentences consist of nothing but the verb. Look at these example structures: