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  1. Hola, Estos errores que indicas no tienen nada que ver con lo del invalid token. Verifica si tienes activado en la configuración global de tu Joomla el caché.

  2. 5 de dic. de 2020 · I'm using Auth0 provider and I have a 3rd Party Backend which is also secured with Auth0. I have setup the provider as following but when I try to access session.accessToken, it returned as undefined. What are you trying to do. To retrieve accessToken to access the backend which is not with Next.js.

  3. 3 de may. de 2024 · This error is returned when we detect that the session_id claim in the access token doesn't exist in the auth.sessions table. It was introduced in this PR (supabase/auth#1538) because we realised that we were returning the wrong error when the session is missing.

  4. 13 de ene. de 2024 · In this case, it could be { session: Session; user: AdapterUser; } or { session: Session; token: JWT; }. The user property exists on the first type, but not on the second. When you try to access, TypeScript can't guarantee that user will always be present, hence the error."

  5. In my case, it has been fixed by using certutil -repairstore command. I was getting following error, when trying to add certificate to Web Binding on IIS using powershell: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. I fixed it by running: certutil.exe -repairstore $CertificateStoreName $CertThumbPrint

  6. 9 de feb. de 2022 · Here are the steps I am currently doing: Inside onExecutePostLogin, I redirect my user to using api.redirect.sendUserTo. At this point, things are working fine and the user gets redirected correctly with the url containing the state and session_token.

  7. 3 de may. de 2023 · I can't seem to get the id from my session.user (next-auth) when everything is properly set. Here is some of my code. /Api/getId/index.ts in the following code I am trying to access my session through the getServerSession, and I actually do get back my session intact.