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  1. 17 de nov. de 2009 · Therefore, "I have been writing it for two weeks" tells us that it is still unfinished and that we have more work to do. Here are a few examples of the present perfect in sentences: I have written many reports, but I don't intend to write any more. She has written a novel and is now trying to publish it.

  2. We use the present perfect continuous to talk about a finished activity in the recent past. Using the present perfect continuous focuses on the activity. We don’t give a specific time. Even though the activity is finished, we can see the result in the present:

  3. This tense communicates specifically that the writing had a duration. In your overall sentence, this carries the greater meaning that your realization of the fact grew progressively during the process of writing.

  4. Have been writing es una conjugación del verbo write. Aprende cómo conjugar write.

  5. Un escrito objetivo, con datos y no opiniones, con el que se pretende informar de un hecho o situación y, a menudo, proponer qué hacer. En la vida real, un informe es lo que elabora un consultor, una persona especializada en un tema a la que se contrata para que averigüe cómo están las cosas y que se debería hacer.

  6. Se trata de un escrito que nos pide otra persona hacer sobre algo que ya ha ocurrido y ahora, para facilitar feedback sobre lo ocurrido, la persona responsable de la organización, nos pide escribir cómo ha ido, qué ha salido bien, qué ha fallado, sugerencias y recomendaciones.

  7. Listen to four conversations using the present perfect to refer to actions over time. Man: Has Bob arrived yet? Woman: No, he hasn’t gotten here yet? Man: Has anyone tried to call him? Woman: I don’t think anyone has. Man: Maybe he has overslept. Woman: Or maybe he’s forgotten there’s a meeting.