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  1. The volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi), also known as teporingo or zacatuche, is a small rabbit that resides on the slopes of volcanoes in Mexico. It is the world's second-smallest rabbit, second only to the pygmy rabbit. It has small rounded ears, short legs, and short, thick fur and weighs approximately 390–600 g (0.86–1.3 lb).

  2. Volcano rabbit. The endangered volcano rabbit lives on the slopes of four volcanoes, all within 45 minutes of Mexico City. Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark. Common Name:...

  3. The Volcano rabbit is a small endangered rabbit that lives in the mountains of Mexico. It is the world's second-smallest rabbit, second only to the pygmy rabbit. It has small rounded ears, short legs, and short, thick fur that ranges in color from brown to black.

  4. El mamífero de orejas y patas cortas es uno de los conejos más pequeños del mundo y obtiene su nombre de su singular hábitat: vive en las laderas de solo cuatro volcanes extintos en México central, cada uno a, aproximadamente, 45 minutos de distancia de Ciudad de México.

  5. El conejo de los volcanes ( Romerolagus diazi ), también conocido como teporingo, zacatuche, tepolito, tepol o burrito, es una especie de mamífero lagomorfo de la familia Leporidae, la única del género monotípico Romerolagus. Es endémica de las montañas del centro de México. Vive en bosques y zacatonales por arriba de los 2800 m.

  6. The Volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi) is an unique species and different from the whole of the rabbits in the world. Volcano rabbit is the only species of the (monotypic) genus Romerolagus, and endemic to the Transmexican Volcanic Belt in Central México.

  7. Romerolagus diazi is native to the Chichinautzin range of extinct volcanoes 200 miles south of Mexico City. Primarily, they live in a 280 sq. km region spread across the slopes of the mountains Pelado, Tialoc, Popocatepetl and Ixtaccíhuatl.