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  1. 18 de oct. de 2023 · Los condicionales en inglés pueden complicarte un poco la vida; por eso lo mejor es practicar traduciendo frases. En este artículo encontrarás un breve recordatorio de qué es el first conditional, y una lista con 34 ejercicios para que no pierdas la práctica.

  2. 7 de ene. de 2021 · go = goes (She goes to the park every day - Ella va al parque todos los días). do = does (He does his homework after school - Él hace su tarea después de la escuela). Los verbos terminados en: vocal + "y" se le agrega "-s" pay - pays (She pays with cash - Ella paga en efectivo).

  3. They can both mean: 'She will start her homework at 4.' That said, the first one is clearer to demonstrate that meaning. However the second one can also mean that 'she' started her homework before 4, and is still doing it at 4, and will likely carry on for some time after.

  4. The structure of the sentence: Affirmative sentences:- Subject + helping verb + main verb + object. subject+ will + main verb (in is original form) + object. Example: Farah will complete her homework. Interrogative sentences:- Helping verb + subject + main verb + object. Will + subject + participle form of main verb + object.

  5. Use Simple Present and Present Progressive. It (be) early in the morning. Sally (get) out of bed, (open) the window and (go) into the bathroom. Then she (have) breakfast. After breakfast, Sally usually (cycle) to school. After school, she (go) back home. Sally usually (eat) her lunch at home.

  6. Instrucciones: Lee cada situación y completa la frase con la forma adecuada de «will» o «won’t» para expresar lo que harías en cada caso. 1. Tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. I ___________ buy her a present. 2. My car is out of gas. I ___________ call a tow truck. 3. It’s getting late.

  7. Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I or II. If they go to Washington, they (see) the White House. If she (have) a hamster, she would call him Fred. If he gave her a sweet, she (stop) crying. If he (arrive) later, he will take a taxi. We would understand him if he (speak) slowly.