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  1. Los reporting verbs son aquellos que utilizamos en el reported speech o estilo indirecto para introducir lo que nos ha dicho otra persona. Por ejemplo: Mary told me she would be studying. Mary me dijo que estaría estudiando. En este caso, el verbo tell (decir, contar) es el reporting verb.

  2. Reporting verbs (or referring verbs) are words used to report about (or refer to) what another person has said, written or done. These verbs are used in reported speech, which can be direct or indirect.

  3. Reporting verbs are used to report what somebody said, like 'promise', 'say', 'ask', 'admit', etc. Learn which are the most common reporting verbs and how to use them. Upper-intermediate English grammar.

  4. When we tell someone what another person said, we often use the verbs say, tell or ask. These are called 'reporting verbs'. However, we can also use other reporting verbs. Many reporting verbs can be followed by another verb in either an infinitive or an -ing form.

  5. Verbs in this group include agree, claim, demand, offer, promise, refuse and threaten. Verb + object + infinitive. Some verbs that are followed by the infinitive need an object between the reporting verb and the infinitive. The judge ordered the police to release the individual immediately. Ferguson warns governments not to delay any further.

  6. Reporting speech verbs. How do you talk about what another person said to you? Well, it is not gossip. The formal name of that is reporting speech. To do it, we use reporting verbs. The most common are say and tell in their past forms: said and told. Most of the other verbs used in reported speech follow the pattern of these two.

  7. 17 de sept. de 2014 · Reporting verbs are used to report what someone said more accurately than using . verb + infinitive. agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, threaten. They agreed to meet on Friday. He refused to take his coat off. verb + object + infinitive. advise, encourage, invite, remind, warn. Tom advised me to go home early.