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  1. 15 de ene. de 2019 · When we get to that point, and find out the Source, the Real will be realized. So says Ramana Maharshi, who experienced pure happiness and abided in it. How to get lasting happiness. Theoretically, if happiness once comes from an object, then that object should always give us.

  2. 30 de mar. de 2016 · Ramana Maharshi: Non-duality and how to be Self-Realised (Atma-Jnana) March 30, 2016March 12, 2016 ~ Tom Das. In the following excerpts, Ramana Maharshi is telling us that we are already free, totally and completely. Can you accept this? Can you allow these words to move you? Can you intuit the truth to which they point?

  3. 16 de jul. de 2016 · - Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. How shall I realize the Self? Objects are Consciousness and Forms. What is Guru ' s Grace. How shall I realize the Self? An aristocratic lady looking very intelligent, though pensive, asked: D .: How shall I reach the Self? M .: There is no reaching the Self.

  4. This little booklet contains the first set of instructions given by Ramana Maharshi. They are directly from his unique experience of self-realization. The original set of questions was asked by Sivaprakasam Pillai and later presented by Ramana Maharshi in prose form.

  5. Self-inquiry is a spiritual practice recommended by Vedantic pioneer and mystic Ramana Maharshi. It involves directing attention to the feeling “I am” – the feeling of being itself – as a means of discovering the unreality of the “I” thought and revealing the inherent nonduality of consciousness.

  6. Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings on self-enquiry (asking oneself 'Who am I?') are discussed at length in several dialogues that explain this key practice.

  7. To all deep-thinking minds, the enquiry about the “I” and its nature has an irresistible fascination. (Ramana Maharshi, MG, 72.) Self-enquiry is the one, infallible means, the only direct one, to realize the unconditioned, absolute Being that you really are. (Ramana Maharshi, MG, 50-1.)