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  1. 15 de jul. de 2024 · The Trigger Email extension ( firestore-send-email) lets you automatically send emails based on documents in a Cloud Firestore collection. Adding a document to the collection triggers this...

  2. In this post we will be using Firebase Functions to send email with Sendgrid. Nodemailer is a NodeJS based emailing module. Although Nodemailer is completely free, Firebase team recommends Sendgrid to developers to use with Firebase Functions.

  3. 28 de jul. de 2021 · Nodemailer is a module for Node.js applications to allow easy-as-cake email sending. It is very easy to settle and integrate into an existing project. In this article, I'll show you how to integrate Nodemailer into your Firebase project with Cloud Functions.

  4. 27 de sept. de 2021 · In this tutorial, you’re going to learn how to send an email using Firebase Functions and Nodemailer. Setup Firebase Functions Environment. Install Nodemailer Package. Send Emails On Firestore Database Trigger. Send Emails On HTTP Triggers. 01.

  5. 21 de jun. de 2023 · En esta publicación trataré de explicar el uso de Firebase Functions junto a Nodemailer para el envío de correos electrónicos. Actualmente estoy trabajando en un proyecto que se requiere la implementación de una funcionalidad que envíe un correo al realizar una acción como es el registro por formulario de un usuario.

  6. 9 de feb. de 2024 · Find out how to send emails using Firebase and Nodemailer: Functions, HTML emails, with attachments. Email testing with Mailtrap is covered as well. Click here.

  7. 22 de dic. de 2021 · According to your current code, it seems to be working correctly, as you said, it only works fine in your machine using the node.js. Probably the guide to follow to get the same result is the Nodemailer as a module for Node.js.