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  1. Descargar bloque CAD en DWG. Casa esherick, louise kahn. modelada en 3d. (537.85 KB)

  2. Download CAD block in DWG. Esherick house, louise kahn. modeled in 3d. (537.85 KB)

  3. 8 de sept. de 2023 · Explore the architectural brilliance of the Margaret Esherick House, a masterpiece by Louis Kahn, renowned for its innovative spatial organization and natural lighting. Dive into the history and features that make this Philadelphia landmark a timeless example of modern architecture.

  4. La casa Esherick es uno de los primeros diseños residenciales construidos de Kahn que ilustra su ideología formal después de su regreso a Estados Unidos desde Roma, tras haber sido nombrado allí miembro de la Academia Americana en 1953. El proyecto fue encargado por Margaret Esherick, mujer soltera.

  5. La Casa Esherick construida para una mujer soltera en el suburbio Chestnut Hill, al norte de Philadelphia (Estados Unidos) es una obra de Louis Kahn construida entre 1959 y 1961 que ejemplifica varios aspectos importantes de su estilo maduro. En primer lugar, es monumental.

  6. Esherick House 3D. The preview images of this page are elaborations of our 3D dwg design. The model has internal divisions, floors, doors and partitions. 3D is in solid modeling, it is therefore possible to elaborate axonometric and perspective cross-sections.

  7. Esherick House is one of the first residential designs constructed by Kahn after his return to the United States from Rome, having been appointed there member of the American Academy in 1953, illustrating his formal ideology. The project was commissioned by Margaret Esherick, single woman.