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  1. El petauro del azúcar es un animal superficialmente similar a las ardillas voladoras. Tienen cabezas cortas con hocicos puntiagudos de color rosa, con grandes ojos y orejas. Su cola es casi tan larga como el cuerpo y esta cubierta por abundante pelo.

  2. › wiki › Sugar_gliderSugar glider - Wikipedia

    The sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) is a small, omnivorous, arboreal, and nocturnal gliding possum. The common name refers to its predilection for sugary foods such as sap and nectar and its ability to glide through the air, much like a flying squirrel.

  3. Sugar gliders are palm-size possums that can glide half the length of a soccer pitch in one trip. They are nocturnal, omnivorous, and live in colonies in tropical and cool-temperate forests in Australia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.

  4. El petauro del azucar es un marsupial arborícola y nocturno originario de Australia y Oceanía. En este artículo se describen sus rasgos físicos, comportamentales, alimenticios y de captividad, así como las precauciones y recomendaciones para su tenencia como mascota.

  5. The Sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) is a small arboreal gliding possum that belongs to the marsupial infraclass. It is so called due to loving sweet food such as sugar and honey, while the word 'glider' refers to their gliding habit when moving between trees.

  6. Everything you should know about the Sugar Glider. The Sugar Glider is a tiny marsupial that can glide through the air by flaps between their legs!

  7. The Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps) is now known to occur only in eastern Australia on the coastal side of the Great Dividing Range. The Savanna Glider ( Petaurus ariel ) is found across Northern Australia and Krefft’s Glider ( Petaurus notatus ) occurs in Eastern and Northern Australia.