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  1. Shellphish es un script que permite crear campañas de phishing a 18 plataformas diferentes, como Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Aprende a instalarlo, usarlo y prevenir el phishing con este tutorial.

  2. 12 de jun. de 2022 · El uso de Shellphish para atacar cuentas sin el consentimiento del dueño de forma previa es ilegal. Shellphish es una herramienta que proporciona de forma predeterminada diferentes tipos de phishing para redes sociales.

  3. ShellPhish is a script that generates phishing pages for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and more. It uses webpages from SocialFish Tool and An0nUD4Y and requires Ngrok for port forwarding.

  4. 15 de mar. de 2021 · Shellphish is an open-source phishing tool that can create fake web pages of popular sites like Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc. Learn how to install and use Shellphish in Kali Linux to perform phishing attacks and get credentials of your targets.

  5. Shellphish is a group of hackers that pursues the joy of hacking and explores the science behind it. Founded by Professor Giovanni Vigna at UC Santa Barbara, Shellphish has participated in many DEF CON CTF and DARPA CGC competitions.

  6. shellphish-qemu Public A pip wrapper around our ridiculous amount of qemu forks.

  7. Hoy les vengo a hablar sobre la herramienta llamada " Shellphish ". Se usa para replicar páginas web (esta herramienta incluye 18 páginas famosas como Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Github, Yahoo, Protonmail, Google, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin, Wordpress, Origin, Steam, Microsoft, InstaFollowers, Pinterest, etc.)