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  1. Jean Razak (Tallahassee, Florida, Estados Unidos, 11 de agosto del 2040 — San Francisco, California, 24 de septiembre del 2080) fue el teniente en jefe del Escuadrón Alfa de la División de la Infantería Móvil, llamada Recios de Razak que lleva su nombre.

  2. Lieutenant Jean Razak (August 11th, 2040 - September 24th, 2080) was a leader of the Roughnecks. He is based on Lieutenant Rasczak from the novel and Jean Rasczak from the 1997 film. Razak is a seasoned veteran who has been decorated ten times for meritorious service.

  3. Jean Rasczak was a soldier in the Mobile Infantry. He lost an arm in battle and returned to Earth to teach History and Moral Philosophy at the High School in Buenos Aires, South America.

  4. A tribute to Lt. Jean Razak, noble leader of the Roughnecks, the best of the best, who lost his life in the line of duty against the Arachnid menace.

  5. Jean Rasczak : All right, let's sum up. This year we explored the failure of democracy. How our social scientists brought our world to the brink of chaos. We talked about the veterans, how they took control and established the stability that has lasted for generations since.

  6. The LT. sacrifices himself to deal the Arachnid Army a huge blow. Razak's death pays a homage to Roger Young who used a grenade to sacrifice himself by jumpi...

  7. From the Tophet campaign of Roughnecks Starship Troopers Chronicles. While cut off from the rest of the squad after a recon mission gone wrong, Lieutenant Ra...