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  1. to make something fall down, open, etc. by hitting it hard. Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. to destroy something or make it disappear, especially a particular feeling or attitude that somebody has. to break down resistance/opposition; to break down somebody’s reserve/shyness

  2. Phrasal Verbs : to break down. to break down. to stop working; functioning dejar de funcionar; estropearse; averiarse. Our car broke down while we were driving to the supermarket. Nuestro coche se estropeó mientras íbamos al supermercado. Sintaxis: intransitive. Derivados: breakdown [n.] (avería), broken-down [adj.] (estropeado, averiado)

  3. Tabla con los siguientes phrasal verbs: break down, bring up, back down, blow up. con su significado y oraciones de ejemplo. Odiados por muchos, amados por otros, los phrasal verbs no dejan a nadie indiferente. Esto se debe a que los verbos frasales, como se les conoce en español, tienen significados y usos muy específicos, por lo que un ...

  4. 2 de may. de 2008 · The phrasal verb Break down + noun can be used to talk about analysing something in detail: "You need to break down the maths problem in order to solve it properly." Break down is also used to talk about something that has stopped working properly: "Can you please come and pick me up from work?

  5. Break down. Break for. Break into. Break off. Break out in. Break out of. Break through. Break up. Don't miss our 'BREAK' phrasal verb exercise. 11 phrasal verbs with 'BREAK' Break away. Leave an organisation, usually to form a new one. (Intransitive | International English) » Example: The SDP BROKE AWAY from the Labour Party. Break down.

  6. Phrasal Verb. break down. Definition. to stop working (something mechanical) Examples. “The years just flow by like a broken down dam” John Prine, Angel from Montgomery. My car broken down and I had to push it to the garage. Verb and preposition separated? Can’t be separated. Normal or Informal. American / British / International. International.

  7. 30 de mar. de 2023 · Descripción: Aprende los phrasal verbs más comunes con "break" en inglés, como "break down", "break out", y "break up". Con ejemplos y explicaciones claras, este artículo te ayudará a entender cómo usar estos verbos en situaciones cotidianas.