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  1. The ARLISS rocketry group provides launch vehicles and services, each capable of lofting and safely deploying one or more CanSats at an altitude of 12,000' AGL, affording each CanSat a "hang time" in the air of about 15 minutes for experiments, simulating a horizon-to-horizon low orbit pass.

  2. arliss.orgARLISS

    The ARLISS rocketry group provides launch vehicles and services, each capable of lofting and safely deploying one or more CanSats at an altitude of 12,000' AGL, affording each CanSat a "hang time" in the air of about 15 minutes for experiments, simulating a horizon-to-horizon low orbit pass.

  3. ARLISS is a CanSat suborbital launch demonstration that takes place every September in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, USA. Participants, mainly university students from Japan and abroad, will launch CanSat and perform various missions in cooperation with an amateur rocket organization (AeroPAC).

  4. › index › arliss-homepageARLISS - Aeropac/Arliss

    ARLISS and the CanSat project challenge innovative students to get hands-on experience in the life-cycle (one year or less) of a space project. Each CanSat team will design and build one or more satellites, and travel to the launch site in Black Rock, Nevada to supervise preparation, launch, telemetry download and safe recovery of their ...

  5. 350ml缶サイズの超小型人工衛星CanSatのサブオービタル (大気圏内)打ち上げ実証実験。 アメリカネバダ州のブラックロック砂漠にてアマチュアロケットグループ「エアロパック」の協力のもと、 日米の大学が製作した衛星の打ち上げを行います。 ロケットから放出された小さな空き缶衛星やローバーが、砂漠中の目的地に自律的に降りる/走ることを 競うカムバックコンペティションも開催。 UNISECは日本から参加する研究室、団体をサポートしています。 ARLISSサイト. 2021~2025年のARLISSの予定です。 過去の大会. ARLISS 2022. 各団体報告書 参加団体の報告書を以下からご覧いただけます 慶應義塾⼤学 Keio ... ACTS2021大会報告.

  6. ARLISS is one of the most valuable opportunities for young people aiming to explore space, providing the most accessible and practical challenge possible. The experience of actually launching satellite test models and rovers that you have developed and manufactured with your own hands and of challenging the harsh environment is irreplaceable.

  7. A CanSat that weights from .55 lbs to 55 lbs (.249kg to 24.9 kg) that has wings or rotors is considered as an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) - a model aircraft - under FAA rules. The CanSat team must register the