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  1. 13 de dic. de 2023 · DECEMBER 13, 2023. The annual TasteAtlas rankings of the best cuisines, dishes, food cities, food products, and ingredients, as well as lists of legendary restaurants and cookbooks, have been published. A total of 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings have been recorded.

  2. TasteAtlas Traditional Food Awards: Best dishes, best cuisines, best cheeses, best food cities & regions, most legendary restaurants in the world.

  3. Based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these cuisines have recorded the best average ratings for their respective top 50 highest-rated dishes and food products. If two cuisines have the same average rating, the one with the highest-rated dish is ranked higher. 1.

  4. 12 de ago. de 2023 · ¿Será el pollo a la brasa, el ceviche o la leche de tigre? En la lista de Taste Atlas aparecen icónicos y populares platos, como la pizza, el asado y el sushi, pero solo una receta peruana.

  5. 29 de jul. de 2023 · Leche de tigre le gana al pollo a la brasa y al ceviche y se convierte en la mejor receta peruana. Taste Atlas también tiene su lista de las mejores comidas peruanas, la cual es liderada por la...

  6. 100 Best Cuisines in the World. Based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these cuisines have recorded the best average ratings for their respective top 50 highest-rated dishes and food products.

  7. 30 de ago. de 2023 · El sitio culinario Taste Atlas tiene la respuesta de cuál es el más famoso con su lista 'Los 10 platos peruanos más populares'.