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  1. A fully-featured React UI library. React server components All NextUI components already include the "use client" directive, which means you can import and use them directly in your RSC.

  2. NextUI allows you make beautiful, modern, and fast websites/applications regardless of your design experience.

  3. Next.js 13. Next.js 13 introduces a new app/ directory folder structure. By default it uses React Server Components. To use NextUI in those components, you need to convert them into client-side component by adding a. 'use client'; at the top of your file. NextUI only works in client-side components.

  4. 🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library. Contribute to nextui-org/nextui development by creating an account on GitHub.

  5. NextUI allows you to make beautiful, modern, and fast websites/applications regardless of your design experience, created with React.js and Stitches, based on React Aria and inspired by Vuesax.

  6. A responsive navigation header positioned on top side of your page that includes support for branding, links, navigation, collapse and more. import { Navbar } from "@nextui-org/react"; Anatomy. Navbar: The wrapper that provides state and general context management. Navbar.Brand: A simple and flexible wrapper for branding content.

  7. The layout Grid adapts to screen size and orientation, ensuring consistency across layouts. import { Grid } from '@nextui-org/react'; Default. Dynamically scale container width while maintaining spacing. 1 of 3. 2 of 3. 3 of 3. import { Grid, Card, Text } from "@nextui-org/react"; export default function App() { const MockItem = ({ text }) => {