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  1. 11 de sept. de 2023 · ¿Sabes cómo usar los adjetivos posesivos his y her en inglés? Cuando doy clases inglés a hispanohablantes aquí en Madrid, muchas veces hay cierta confusión sobre los adjetivos posesivos, especialmente his y her .

  2. Listado de los pronombres posesivos en inglés. Mine (mio): para la primera persona del singular. Yours (tuya): para la segunda persona del singular y del plural. His (suyo: de él): para la tercera persona del singular, masculino. Hers (suya: de ella): para la tercera persona del singular, femenino.

  3. 19 de ago. de 2012 · «His» es la forma posesiva de «he» (él) y su significado es Su o Sus. La usamos normalmente cuando la persona que posee es hombre. También es posible usar esta palabra con animales machos, si sabemos que es un animal macho. Ejemplos: This is my Carl. His last name is Thompson. / Este es Carl. Su apellido es Thompson. This is Mario.

  4. 25 de dic. de 2023 · he: him: his: his: she: her: her: hers: it: it: its-we: us: our: ours: they: them: their: theirs

  5. HIS is a possessive adjective. HER is a possessive adjective. HE and HIS are used with a male, for example a boy or a man. SHE and HER are used with a female, for example a girl or a woman. Her balloon is green. His balloon is blue. We use HER for the girl and HIS for the boy. Now they have two balloons each. How do we say this?

  6. Traditionally, he and him were used to refer to both genders in formal writing: If anyone has any evidence to oppose this view, let him inform the police immediately. Nowadays, we often see gender neutral forms (e.g. he or she, he/she, s/he, (s)he, they and him or her, him/her, them ) when we do not know if the person referred to is male or female:

  7. 21 de oct. de 2012 · The forms he, she and they are used when a pronoun is the subject of a sentence. The forms him, her and them are used when a pronoun is the object of a sentence. The forms his, her, hers, their and theirs are possessive in nature.