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  1. Crystal Waters Permaculture Village in Australia, established in 1987, was the world's first intentional permaculture village and has since carried out pioneering work in demonstrating new ways of sustainable, low-impact living.

  2. Crystal Waters, una ecoaldea con casi 30 años de vida, emplazada en 650 acres (260 has). Ubicada a 120 kilómetros de la ciudad de Brisbane en Australia, con cerca de 250 personas, se ha transformado en una de las comunidades más sólidas en el mundo.

  3. El proyecto de Crystal Waters, ubicado en Australia, ha llevado a cabo un importante trabajo pionero, al demostrar nuevas formas de vida sostenible de bajo impacto. Se trata de la creación del primer pueblo que se basa en el desarrollo intencional de la permacultura en el mundo.

  4. Crystal Waters (also known as Crystal Waters Permaculture Village and Crystal Waters Ecovillage) is an 85 Lot Body Corporate housing development situated in Conondale in the Sunshine Coast hinterland of Queensland, Australia.

  5. A socially and environmentally responsible, economically viable rural subdivision north of Brisbane (Australia), Crystal Waters was designed by Max Lindegger, Robert Tap, Barry Goodman and Geoff Young, and established in 1987.

  6. Crystal Waters is an environmentally and socially responsible rural subdivision, designed using permaculture principles. With a community of over 240 people living in the village, it is continually evolving, physically and socially.

  7. 2 de jul. de 2018 · Crystal Waters, a private, alternative village in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, has about 200 residents, with many of the elements you would expect: roads, reticulated water supply, village green with resident baker, and even its own cemetery and fire brigade.