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  1. Samuel Rogers ( Londres, 30 de julio de 1763 - íd., 18 de diciembre de 1855), poeta, financiero y mecenas de las artes y las letras inglés del prerromanticismo, amigo de los poetas lakistas.

  2. Samuel Rogers (30 July 1763 – 18 December 1855) was an English poet, during his lifetime one of the most celebrated, although his fame has long since been eclipsed by his Romantic colleagues and friends Wordsworth, Coleridge and Byron.

  3. Samuel Rogers (born July 30, 1763, Stoke Newington, near London—died Dec. 18, 1855, London) was an English poet, best remembered as a witty conversationalist and as a friend of greater poets. Rogers attained eminence with the publication of his popular discursive poem The Pleasures of Memory (1792).

  4. Al revés que la mayoría de los más escrupulosos y exhaustivos biógrafos de Dickens, Peter Ackroyd mantiene el silencio acerca del poeta y coleccionista Samuel Rogers (1763-1855) como miembro del Círculo de Dickens.

  5. Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center is a nonprofit organization that provides medical, dental, behavioral health, and other services to the community since 1968. It serves patients of all ages, backgrounds, and income levels, and offers telehealth and prenatal care options.

  6. Although that most scrupulous and exhaustive of Dickens's biographers, Peter Ackroyd, is silent about the poet and art collector Samuel Rogers (1763-1855) as a member of the Dickens Circle, John Forster in his Life (1872-4), Hesketh Pearson (1949), and Fred Kaplan (1988) all mention how the old banker would turn up at various Dickens dinners:

  7. En las últimas obras de Rogers prevalece el nuevo espíritu ro­mántico. En la actualidad se le recuerda principalmente más que por su producción como poeta por sus conversaciones (Table Talk of Samuel Rogers, texto editado en 1856 por W. Dyce).