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  1. Wube Haile Maryam of Semien, (1799 – 1867), also called by his title Dejazmach Wube, Webé; his name is also given in European sources as ‘‘Ubie’’, was one of the major figures of 19th century Ethiopia, during the closing decades of the Zemene Mesafint (lit: Era of the princes) a period of regional lords vying for power ...

  2. Wube Haile Maryam, también llamado Wube Haile Mariam o Dejazmach Wube (1799-1867), fue un gobernante regional y dejazmach en la provincia de Tigray, Simien y otros territorios costeros, en un área que ahora es parte del norte de Etiopía y el centro Eritrea.

  3. The Battle of Debre Abbay, also known as the Battle of Mai Islami, was a conflict between Ras Marye of Yejju, regent of the Emperor of Ethiopia, and his rival from Tigray, Dejazmach Sabagadis of Agame.

  4. The Battle of Debre Tabor was a conflict during the Zemene Mesafint in 1842 initiated by Dejazmach Wube Haile Maryam to overthrow Ras Ali II as Regent of the Emperor of Ethiopia and gain control of Ethiopia.

  5. 2 de mar. de 2023 · Dejazmach Wube Haile Maryam – A regional governor and military leader who commanded a significant portion of the Ethiopian army during the Adwa campaign. Balcha Safo – A military commander and...

  6. La batalla de Debre Tabor fue un conflicto durante Zemene Mesafint en 1842 iniciado por Dejazmach Wube Haile Maryam para derrocar a Ras Ali II como regente del emperador de Etiopía y hacerse con el control de Etiopía.

  7. Son of a powerful regional chief of Simien he came to power in 1826 on the death of his father. He extended his rule to Tigre and became one of the most powerful northern Ethiopian rulers. Wube developed relations with many Europeans, one of his closest supporters was British Consul Plowden.