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  1. Captain Charles Clerke (22 August 1741 – 22 August 1779) was an officer in the Royal Navy who sailed on four voyages of exploration (including three circumnavigations), three with Captain James Cook.

  2. Charles Clerke, the son of a justice of the peace, entered the Royal Navy in 1755. After serving throughout the Seven Years’ War, he became a midshipman on John Byron ’s expedition around the world in 1764–66.

  3. El Discovery fue comandado por Charles Clerke, quien había servido en las dos primeras expediciones de Cook y había navegado anteriormente con Byron. Su primer teniente era James Burney , su segundo John Rickman y entre los guardiamarinas estaba George Vancouver .

  4. Commanded HMS Discovery on Cook's third voyage (1776-1780) and commanded the expedition from the HMS Resolution after Cook's death in February 1779 in Hawaii; Clerke himself died from tuberculosis on August 3rd 1779 and was buried at Petropavlosk on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

  5. Las rocas Clerke [1] están compuestas principalmente por dos grupos de pequeños islotes rocosos que se hallan a 75 km al sudeste del cabo Vahsel de la isla San Pedro, en el archipiélago de las Georgias del Sur. Se extienden por espacio de 8,5 km de este a oeste, separados entre sí por 3 km. [2]

  6. 1 de feb. de 2007 · Clerke, the ailing power broker, may have found his view of Cook's death obscured less by the ‘confused crowd’ than by his last efforts to keep hold of the levers of patronage by acting as a ‘friend’ to Williamson.

  7. 25 de oct. de 2016 · Clerke, Charles (1741–1779) – captain and an explorer of the Bering Sea, who sailed four voyages around the world. He was born in Essex, England. C.C. entered the Royal Navy at the age of 14 as a midshipman.