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  1. Hace 4 días · Arbuckle’s career ending “incident” began on Labor Day, 1921 when with some friends he drove to San Francisco where they booked a hotel suite for a party. Once underway, there was a lot of drinking and women attending. One of these was actress/model Virginia Rappe who during the party was found seriously ill in a hotel bedroom and who ...

  2. Hace 4 días · – Fatty and Mabel Adrift (EUA, 1916), de Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle, de la casa productora Keystone Film Company, fundada por Mack Sennet, compañía fundamental para el desarrollo de los máximos genios cómicos de ese entonces, pues ahí comenzaron a trabajar Chaplin, Lloyd, Turpin, Normand, Arbuckle, entre otros.

  3. Hace 1 día · El absolutamente espectacular éxito que tuvo en su momento el western épico La Caravana de Oregón (The Covered Wagon, 1923) de James Cruze movió a que un estudio rival, la Fox, decidiera copiar la hazaña con otro western de gran envergadura, el cual le fue encargado a un prometedor director que tenían en nómina llamado John Ford.El Ford de 1924 no gozaba ni remotamente del estatus que ...

  4. Hace 1 día · L’actor i director Roscoe Arbuckle, àlies “Fatty”, és al cim de la seva glòria. Tot i això, les ments puritanes dels Estats Units veuen amb molt desgrat la vida llibertina de Roscoe. D’un dia per l’altre, la seva vida es converteix en un drama i Fatty se submergeix en el primer escàndol majúscul de la gran fàbrica de somnis…

  5. Hace 2 días · I honestly thought it was ok. As a fan/armchair historian of the silent film era, I know the Roscoe Arbuckle story. And I know that anyone who cares to do research on him will only call him Roscoe Arbuckle and not "Fatty" Arbuckle. And I was impressed and touched that A&A pointed that out right away. I thought it was a good rundown of the story.

  6. Hace 3 días · GROSSE POINTE SHORES — Dads and car lovers alike will have reason to celebrate when the 37th annual EyesOn Design car show rolls onto the grounds of the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 16, which is Father’s Day. Dr. Philip Hessburg, the director emeritus of the nonprofit Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology, said this ...

  7. Hace 6 días · Summertime! Blockbusters! (Yay!) Mosquitoes. (Boo!) Classic Film Reading! (Bring it on!) This is my third year participating in Out of the Past blog's Summer Classic Film Reading Challenge and I couldn’t be more excited.I have a diverse set of books set up for this summer and hope you enjoy reading our reviews and maybe….just maybe…be inspired to read them, too.