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  1. The University of Freiburg is among the most innovative universities at the regional and national levels, and now also at the international level. The Center for Technology Transfer (ZFT) is the interface between the University of Freiburg, the University Medical Center, and industry.

  2. La Universidad de Friburgo es la quinta universidad más antigua de Alemania, con una larga tradición en la enseñanza de ciencias humanas, ciencias sociales y ciencias naturales y goza de una alta reputación académica tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

  3. The University of Fribourg is a place where learning, research, employment and events all happen at the same time. Its innovative force makes it an important mover in the commercial and cultural life of the region.

  4. An der Universität Freiburg können Sie aus einem breiten Studienangebot wählen und finden von Archäologie bis Zahnmedizin interdisziplinäre aber auch klassische fachbezogene Studiengänge: Studiengangsuche

  5. The University of Fribourg is a place where learning, research, employment and events all happen at the same time. Its innovative force makes it an important mover in the commercial and cultural life of the region.

  6. En el ambiente convivial y bilingüe de Friburgo, los estudios de español de nuestro Departamento ofrecen una formación sobre las literaturas del mundo hispano, los fundamentos de la filología y las modalidades lingüísticas de la lengua española.

  7. The University of Freiburg was founded in 1457 and is one of the oldest and most renowned universities in Germany. With eleven faculties, around 240 degree programmes, and 440 full professorships as well as 32 junior professorships, it covers a broad interdisciplinary spectrum with high-quality research and teaching.

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