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  1. Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section has produced phenomenal GCSE / IGCSE results in the 2022-2023 academic year. The examination pass rate was 98 %, with 82.1 % of our students attaining A*- C / 9 - 4 grades.

  2. 一校兩制 蘇浙公學Kiangsu-Chekiang College是位於香港東區的一間直資中學學校面積約 6780平方米,屬於男女校,該校辦學宗旨是以敦品力學及學風純樸為辦學目標,校訓為「整齊嚴肅」。

  3. 蘇浙公學 Kiangsu-Chekiang College. 辦學宗旨以中國固有文化的精髓作培育學生品德的指標體現整齊嚴肅的做事做人生活態度並在中英並重文理並重及升學與就業並重的原則下提供均衡教育

  4. Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section or KCCIS (Chinese: 蘇浙公學國際部) by G.N.A.A is a private bilingual school in Hong Kong that teaches both English and Mandarin. Students pursue their career through the IGCSE syllabus in Years 10-11 and the IB Diploma Programme in Years 12–13.


    School Highlights. Latest News. Congratulations to our alumni, Miu Victor and Choi Wing Ming, who was awarded the Dean's List award for their outstanding academic achievement by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

  6. Application Form. Click Here to Download the Application Form: Kiangsu and Chekiang Primary School , Kindergarten and Reception. Kiangsu-Chekiang College. All application forms should be duly completed and returned to the School Offices (Attention: Admissions Secretary).

  7. 葵涌蘇浙公學 Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) 辦學宗旨:啟發學生的學習潛能和培養健全人格,提升學業成績及品德修養,以課餘活動作調劑。 強調學生自律、自覺的精神,以真誠、理解和尊重與人交往。 學校位置 :葵青區 › 新界葵涌興盛路83號。 學校地圖 。 學校類別. 資助、男女校;位於葵青區. 香港有 360 間資助中學,佔整體約 78%;香港有 394 間男女中學,佔整體約 85%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表 。 全港中學分佈詳述 。 創校歷史. 1982 年創立,辦學團體:香港蘇浙滬同鄉會. 校訓:整齊嚴肅 Orderly and Respectful。 學校校徽 。 教學情況. 教學人員總數 60 人;中一有 4 班。 其中 57 人是核准編制內。