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  1. Lao Zhang's Philosophy is the 1926 debut novel of Chinese author Lao She, written while Lao She was teaching at London University's School of Oriental Studies (SOS). The novel was a resounding success back in China, and encouraged Lao She to immediately write a second novel set in the same Beijing milieu, Zhao Ziyue, the following year.

  2. My intention is to examine Lao She's first work of fiction, The Philosophy of Lao Zhang, to see how the themes and attitudes implicit in this youthful novel foreshadow the fundamental literary and social concerns characteristic of Lao She's mature work.!

  3. 10 de abr. de 2021 · During this period (1924–1929), he struggled to become a writer and wrote his first three novels, The Philosophy of Lao Zhang, Zhao Ziyue, and Mr. Ma & Son. His writing was influenced by Charles Dickens, Joseph Conrad, and Mark Twain, whom he read avidly while he was in London.

  4. › wiki › Lao_SheLao She - Wikipedia

    Lao She's first novel, The Philosophy of Lao Zhang was written in London (1926) and modeled on Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby, but is set among students in Beijing. His second novel, Zhao Ziyue (1927) is set in the same Beijing milieu, but tells the story of a 26-year-old college student's quest for the trappings of fame in a corrupt ...

  5. 18 de jul. de 2013 · Lao She's Philosophy and The Philosophy of Lao Zhang . CHINOPERL: Vol. 20, Combined Volume 20-22 (1997-1999), pp. 159-168.

  6. Abstract. This paper analyzes the distant though pertinent relationship the modern Chinese writer Lao She (1899–1966) had with the principle of self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating Chinese Christian churches. He became a Christian in Peking (Beijing) in 1922.

  7. › referenceworkentry › 10Lao She | SpringerLink

    6 de abr. de 2021 · From his first novel Lao Zhang De Zhe Xue (《老张的哲学》, Philosophy of Lao Zhang, serialized in the journal Xiaoshuo yuebao [《小说月报》, “Short-Story Magazine”]) in 1926 to the masterpieces Luo Tuo Xiang Zi (《骆驼祥子》, Camel Xiangzi), Si Shi Tong Tang (《四世同堂》, Four Generations Under One House), Longxugou (《龙须沟》, Dragon Beard Ditch) and Cha ...