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  1. According to stenographic transcripts translated by Hugh Trevor-Roper of conversations between Hitler and his inner circle which took place between July 1941 and November 1944, Hitler regarded himself as a vegetarian. These conversations were gathered together under the title Hitler's Table Talk.

  2. Hitlers vegetarianism reveals just how evil he was. The hypocrisy reveals how he truly thought of anyone he considered as non-German. It shows us how well he and other Nazis were able to dehumanize others and convince the German nation to do the same.

  3. Hitler creía que una dieta vegetariana podía tanto aliviar sus problemas de salud como regenerar espiritualmente a la raza humana. 3 A pesar de estas creencias, muchas personas apuntan que Hitler comía ocasionalmente carne durante la década de 1930.

  4. Adolph Hitler was a vegetarian - although it is widely known that in his early years he would have a lapse and indulge in the odd liver dumpling. There are some, especially vegetarians, who claim this is not true.

  5. El británico reafirma estos dichos indicando que aquella idea pierde validez debido a un hecho histórico: Hitler prohibió las organizaciones de Vegetarianos en el país durante 1940.

  6. On April 30, 1945, Hitler died of a self-inflicted gun wound, his dog the day before swallowed a cyanide pill mixed with its daily food ration. Before committing suicide, Hitler was reportedly inconsolable of Blondi’s death. Hitler was also a devoted son, devastated when his mother died.

  7. Margot Woelk worked alongside a dozen other women tasting Hitlers food in his Polish military headquarters, but was the only one to survive the war. The Russians approached the camp, known as...