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  1. Healthier Together Oregon es una herramienta para que las personas que trabajan puedan lograr la equidad en salud en nuestro estado. Menciona 62 estrategias y acciones de apoyo que pueden ponerse en práctica para mejorar la salud.

  2. Our 2020-2024 State Health Improvement Plan is called Healthier Together Oregon. We want to live in a state where we can all have long, healthy lives. The social issues that affect health are the places we live, work, learn and play.

  3. Healthier Together Oregon es nuestro Plan Estatal 2020 - 2024 para el Mejoramiento de la Salud. Se elaboró con la colaboración de más de 100 personas de 68 organizaciones. Nos orientaron para entender en qué dirección queremos ir y cómo llegar allí.

  4. Healthier Together Oregon (HTO) identifies population-wide priorities and strategies for improving the health of people in Oregon. HTO serves as the basis for taking collective action on key health issues in Oregon. Download the Full Plan. Visit

  5. Thousands of our neighbors — veterans, seniors, women and children escaping domestic violence, and people with chronic illnesses — are living every day without a safe, stable place to sleep at night. Many are experiencing homelessness for the first time, and their lives are at risk.

  6. Oregon ranks #1 in the nation for a high rate of unsheltered families with children. Nearly 22,000 students were homeless in the 2017-18 school year — a record high for our state.

  7. Healthier Together Oregon is our 2020 – 2024 State Health Improvement Plan. It was developed with over 100 people from 68 organizations. They guided us to understand the direction we want to go and how we should get there.