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  1. Tim Owen KC, is an English barrister at Matrix Chambers. His practice spans the fields of fraud/regulatory, criminal, public, human rights, media and information, extradition/MLA, sports, asset recovery, police and civil law.

  2. Tim «Ripper» Owens (Timothy S. Owens, 13 de septiembre de 1967 en Akron, Ohio) es un cantante estadounidense de heavy metal, más conocido por haber pertenecido a las agrupaciones Judas Priest, Iced Earth e Yngwie Malmsteen.

  3. Tim Owen KC is a leading silk in fraud, regulatory, criminal, public, human rights and other practice areas. He is praised for his advocacy skills, judgment, cross-examination and strategic advice by the Legal Directories and clients.

  4. 19 de may. de 2023 · 國安委評估黎聘請Tim Owen涉國安風險建議入境處拒批簽證黎入稟高院要求律政司聲明釋法不影響他聘請Tim Owen另亦提司法覆核指國安委決定越權高院首席法官潘兆初上月開庭聽取各方陳辭後19日頒判辭裁定黎敗訴拒批司法覆核申請許可

  5. Chief judge of the High Court had earlier approved barrister Timothy Owens participation in light of ‘clear’ public interest Jimmy Lai, 74, is set to go on trial before panel of three High...

  6. 1 de dic. de 2022 · 惟開審前卻因黎獲准聘請英國御用大律師Timothy Owen (下稱:Tim Owen),從引發另一輪風波。 終審法院於本周初拒絕向律政司批出上訴許可,黎可續由英御狀代表,惟特首李家超即宣布會要求人大釋法,律政司亦去信法庭申請押後審訊,但黎的審訊今早仍如常開庭,控方開庭後申請案件押後7天,辯方沒有反對。 法官李運騰認為押後較長時間較理想,把案押後至12月13日再訊。 辯方透露Tim Owen無法就黎案獲批工作簽證。 法庭於早上十時半準時開庭,律政司的代表甫開庭即向3名法官表示,早前已去信法庭,要求案件押後7日,以待人大釋法,辯方不反對押後。 辯方指Tim Owen無法就黎案獲批工作簽證。 原本代表黎智英的英國御用大律師Tim Owen,今早未有代表黎出庭,黎續由資深大律師彭耀鴻代表。

  7. 28 de nov. de 2022 · In a judgment handed down today, 28 th November 2022, the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong (Chief Justice Cheung, Ribeiro and Fok PJs) dismissed the Hong Kong Justice Secretary’s application for leave to appeal the ruling of the lower Courts granting ad hoc admission to Tim Owen KC to defend Jimmy Lai at his trial on charges ...